Spotlight: Resource Compass
1:00 PM13:00

Spotlight: Resource Compass


This 30 minute digital education focuses on understanding and optimizing the utilization of Hope For The Day’s Resource Compass and other mental health resources. We recognize that it can be intimidating to set up support, especially if you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health challenge. 

Learn about Hope For The Day's Resource Compass, other public resources, and questions to ask yourself that can serve as a good starting point in making sure you’re fully informed and protected when navigating support.

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Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual
4:30 PM16:30

Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual


Lo Que Callamos es el programa de educación sobre la salud mental exclusivo de Hope For The Day® que le da a cualquier individuo las herramientas necesarias para cuidar de nuestra salud mental personal y poder apoyar a alguien más en la comunidad. Estos programas educativos son para la audiencia de 12+.

Estamos muy felices de estar aquí para compartir esta educación tan importante con todos ustedes. La educación sobre la salud mental de Hope For The Day está diseñada para darles a los miembros de la comunidad una mejor comprensión sobre la salud mental y los estigmas que nos mantienen callados. Queremos ayudarlos a romper el silencio.  Hoy los empoderamos para iniciar la conversación y hablar sobre cómo navegar los recursos.

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Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual
12:00 PM12:00

Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual


Lo Que Callamos es el programa de educación sobre la salud mental exclusivo de Hope For The Day® que le da a cualquier individuo las herramientas necesarias para cuidar de nuestra salud mental personal y poder apoyar a alguien más en la comunidad. Estos programas educativos son para la audiencia de 12+.

Estamos muy felices de estar aquí para compartir esta educación tan importante con todos ustedes. La educación sobre la salud mental de Hope For The Day está diseñada para darles a los miembros de la comunidad una mejor comprensión sobre la salud mental y los estigmas que nos mantienen callados. Queremos ayudarlos a romper el silencio.  Hoy los empoderamos para iniciar la conversación y hablar sobre cómo navegar los recursos.

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Charlas—Educación Virtual
12:00 PM12:00

Charlas—Educación Virtual


Charlas: Esta conversación es facilitada por un miembro de nuestro equipo educativo. ¡Se enfoca en iniciar la conversación en tu comunidad! Brinda un espacio seguro donde la gente puede aprender más sobre Hope For The Day, hablar sobre el cuidado personal, practicar la gratitud y recordar que ESTÁ BIEN NO ESTAR BIEN. (

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Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual
12:00 PM12:00

Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual

Lo Que Callamos es el programa de educación sobre la salud mental exclusivo de Hope For The Day® que le da a cualquier individuo las herramientas necesarias para cuidar de nuestra salud mental personal y poder apoyar a alguien más en la comunidad. Estos programas educativos son para la audiencia de 12+.

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Spotlight: Resource Compass
12:30 PM12:30

Spotlight: Resource Compass

This 30 minute digital education focuses on understanding and optimizing the utilization of Hope For The Day’s Resource Compass and other mental health resources. We recognize that it can be intimidating to set up support, especially if you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health challenge.

Learn about Hope For The Day's Resource Compass, other public resources, and questions to ask yourself that can serve as a good starting point in making sure you’re fully informed and protected when navigating support.

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Building Hope: A Panel Discussion to Help Create Your Mental Health Toolbox & Navigate the Holiday Season
6:00 PM18:00

Building Hope: A Panel Discussion to Help Create Your Mental Health Toolbox & Navigate the Holiday Season

Join our panel discussion and community experience this Giving Tuesday! We've cultivated four panelists for this event— a mix of industry professionals, clinicians, and peer advocates/educators. Our Director of Education will be moderating the panel. Our general theme will be around building a mental health resource kit during the holiday season.

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Things We Don't Say | Part 1 — Digital Education!
1:00 PM13:00

Things We Don't Say | Part 1 — Digital Education!

H.F.T.D.'s Things We Don’t Say workshop is a program designed to teach individuals how to understand self-care and be supportive to proactive mental health care for others. We press the discussion about stigma, its impact on individuals and communities, and teach practical skills for early recognition of mental health challenges that often go unaddressed due to the silence of stigma, building to a crisis stage. Through Peer-to-peer Proactive Prevention, we can disrupt the highest risk factors before the crisis stage. If we make it OK to talk about mental health, we can save lives.

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Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual
12:30 PM12:30

Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual

Lo Que Callamos es el programa de educación sobre la salud mental exclusivo de Hope For The Day® que le da a cualquier individuo las herramientas necesarias para cuidar de nuestra salud mental personal y poder apoyar a alguien más en la comunidad. Estos programas educativos son para la audiencia de 12+.

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Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual
6:00 PM18:00

Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual

Lo Que Callamos es el programa de educación sobre la salud mental exclusivo de Hope For The Day® que le da a cualquier individuo las herramientas necesarias para cuidar de nuestra salud mental personal y poder apoyar a alguien más en la comunidad. Estos programas educativos son para la audiencia de 12+.

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Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual
12:00 PM12:00

Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual

Lo Que Callamos es el programa de educación sobre la salud mental exclusivo de Hope For The Day® que le da a cualquier individuo las herramientas necesarias para cuidar de nuestra salud mental personal y poder apoyar a alguien más en la comunidad. Estos programas educativos son para la audiencia de 12+.

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Identity & Orientation—Digital Presentation!
5:30 PM17:30

Identity & Orientation—Digital Presentation!

This platform is discussing the unique intersection of LGBTQ+ experiences and mental health. Built by LGBTQ+ people, for LGBTQ+ people.

Because of stigma and discrimination, LGBTQ+ people are more likely than non-LGBTQ+ people to struggle with their mental health. Additionally, a lot of standard mental health solutions are often not equipped to understand and tackle unique LGBTQ+ challenges.

This presentation is discussing the unique intersection of LGBTQ+ experiences and mental health. Built by LGBTQ+ for LGBTQ+ people.

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Spotlight: Resource Compass
12:00 PM12:00

Spotlight: Resource Compass

This 30 minute digital education focuses on understanding and optimizing the utilization of Hope For The Day’s Resource Compass and other mental health resources. We recognize that it can be intimidating to set up support, especially if you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health challenge.

Learn about Hope For The Day's Resource Compass, other public resources, and questions to ask yourself that can serve as a good starting point in making sure you’re fully informed and protected when navigating support.

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Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual
6:00 PM18:00

Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1—Educación Virtual

Lo Que Callamos es el programa de educación sobre la salud mental exclusivo de Hope For The Day® que le da a cualquier individuo las herramientas necesarias para cuidar de nuestra salud mental personal y poder apoyar a alguien más en la comunidad. Estos programas educativos son para la audiencia de 12+.

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Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1 – En persona
6:00 PM18:00

Lo Que Callamos | Parte 1 – En persona

Lo Que Callamos es el programa de educación sobre la salud mental exclusivo de Hope For The Day® que le da a cualquier individuo las herramientas necesarias para cuidar de nuestra salud mental personal y poder apoyar a alguien más en la comunidad. Estos programas educativos son para la audiencia de 12+.

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Spotlight: Understanding Mental Health Crisis Response
12:00 PM12:00

Spotlight: Understanding Mental Health Crisis Response

This 30 minute digital education focuses on our community approach to assist someone during a mental health challenge. We will discuss community resources, crisis intervention, and respecting the dignity of the individual.

Additionally, this session will walk through questions that could be asked to someone when calling a hotline and other details our team has learned calling many of these hotlines.

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Things We Don't Say | Part 1 — Digital Education!
1:00 PM13:00

Things We Don't Say | Part 1 — Digital Education!

H.F.T.D.'s Things We Don’t Say workshop is a program designed to teach individuals how to understand self-care and be supportive to proactive mental health care for others. We press the discussion about stigma, its impact on individuals and communities, and teach practical skills for early recognition of mental health challenges that often go unaddressed due to the silence of stigma, building to a crisis stage. Through Peer-to-peer Proactive Prevention, we can disrupt the highest risk factors before the crisis stage. If we make it OK to talk about mental health, we can save lives.

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Spotlight: No Magic Wand
12:00 PM12:00

Spotlight: No Magic Wand

This 30 minute digital education focuses on understanding the tools we utilize to manage our mental health.

This session will be interactive; We’ll be asking for your participation verbally and through the chat in addition to the facilitation of a worksheet assisting in outlining individual healing and management plans.

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Spotlight: Building a Supportive Company Culture
12:00 PM12:00

Spotlight: Building a Supportive Company Culture

This 30 minute digital education focuses on how to build a supportive company culture. Studies have proven that a focus on mental health in the workplace can decrease financial impact due to long term leave or turnover, absenteeism/presenteeism, decrease emergency medical costs, and loss of productivity.

Learn about Hope For The Day's educational resources and why our Proactive Workplace programming is impactful!

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Identity & Orientation—Digital Presentation!
5:30 PM17:30

Identity & Orientation—Digital Presentation!

This platform is discussing the unique intersection of LGBTQ+ experiences and mental health. Built by LGBTQ+ people, for LGBTQ+ people.

Because of stigma and discrimination, LGBTQ+ people are more likely than non-LGBTQ+ people to struggle with their mental health. Additionally, a lot of standard mental health solutions are often not equipped to understand and tackle unique LGBTQ+ challenges.

This presentation is discussing the unique intersection of LGBTQ+ experiences and mental health. Built by LGBTQ+ for LGBTQ+ people.

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