What is a matching gift?
A matching gift is when an individual gives to a non-profit organization and their employer donates an equal or greater amount to the same nonprofit, increasing the gift. For example, if you donate $25 to Hope for the Day, the matching gift from your employer would be an additional donation of $25. A matching gift can be a great way for you to double or triple your initial contribution. You and your employer’s generosity can help Hope for the Day address the challenges individuals face in navigating their mental health.
Step 1: See if your donations
are match eligible
Search our database to see if your employer matches Hope for the Day gifts. You may be able to use a previous donation or need to make another.
Step 2:
Review matching gift instructions
After locating your company, select it to get specific instructions on how your gift can qualify for your company's matching gift program.
Step 3:
Submit your match request
Follow your company-specific matching gift instructions found in our database to have your Hope for the Day donation doubled or tripled by your employer.
Hope for the Day proudly holds a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, and for your records, we confirm that no goods or services were provided to you in exchange for this donation. As a result, your donation may be fully tax-deductible, as allowed by the law. Your employer may also be able to deduct their portion of the matched gift.