Self Care Summer

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Summer is here, and there’s no better way to celebrate than with a little bit of self-care. But, what does that mean exactly?

If you searched “self-care” online you’d find millions of results, each with its own interpretation of what it means. The more you look for the perfect definition, the more confusing it can get. Some focus mainly on the physical wellness side of self-care, while others say it’s all about doing what feels good for your mind. So, why isn’t there one clear definition for what it means to engage in self-care?

Self-care, like so much of our mental health journey, is unfortunately not a perfect science. Instead, it is a constant journey of finding the things that you can add to your wellness toolbox to help you feel your best. It can seem really overwhelming to be faced with the responsibility of defining self-care for yourself, but think of it as the fun part!

There are so many different ways to practice self-care in your everyday life. The best part? It can stay the same or change as often as you want! The great news is that you get to decide what self-care means for YOU. 

If you’re not sure where to start, that’s OK! Let’s break down some different areas of self-care, and how you can incorporate them into your life.

  • Physical self-care

Your mind is part of your body, and that means that maintaining your physical health is a great step towards your mental health journey as well. These aren’t all big things like making sure you get enough sleep every night (though that is important too). Things like taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk, and brushing your hair or teeth are also great ways to practice physical self-care.

  • Emotional self-care

This area of self-care is a little bit more intricate. It can involve the social, emotional, and psychological sides of our mental health. There are infinite possibilities to choose from when focusing on your emotional self-care. Focus on what makes you feel good. Picking up a book, learning a new skill, journaling, catching up with a friend, or watching your favorite movie are all ways to promote emotional self-care.

If you're worried that what you’re doing doesn’t “count” as self-care, you don’t have to. Here are some small things you can do to practice self-care (and they all count):

  • Taking a digital detox

  • Staying in the loop

  • Not answering your phone 

  • Reaching out to a friend

  • Allowing yourself to feel your feelings

  • Making your bed

  • Watering your plants

  • Making an appointment with your therapist

  • Going for a walk

  • Spending the day watching the new season of your show

  • Getting in a sweat at the gym

  • Taking a nap instead

Once again, there is no perfect way to practice self-care. It won’t look the same from month to month, day to day, or even hour to hour. Reminder: self-care is not selfish! If it helps you feel renewed and refreshed, you’re on the right track. 

Summer is for self-care, so go get after it! Whatever that means for you.

If you or a loved one are going through a mental health challenge or would like more information on available resources in your community, please visit Hope For The Day’s Resource Compass.

Hope For The Day